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Like the Sun Erasing the Trace of Rain
Like the Sun Erasing the Trace of Rain

Like the Sun Erasing the Trace of RainSo wie die Sonne die Spuren des Regens Like the Sun Erasing the Trace of Rain

Directed byRegieDerhêner

Merivan Kiliç

GermanyDeutschlandAlmanya, 2023

Running timeLaufzeitDema bezê


„As the sun erases the traces of the rain“ is a retrospective of the video recordings made by the parents’ generation in Kurdistan in 2002.
The film deals with the contradiction between longing and demarcation; boundaries that are not only created by space, but also by interpersonal relationships. The film provides insight into the thoughts of a person who reflects on her childhood and between life in Germany and Kurdistan, as well as on the everyday life of family members in Kurdistan who want to take their togetherness back to Germany through these very video recordings.
To what extent are we authorised to approp

„So wie die Sonne die Spuren des Regens löscht“ ist ein Rückblick auf die Videoaufnahmen, die von der Elterngeneration 2002 in Kurdistan aufgenommen wurden.
Der Film behandelt den Widerspruch zwischen Sehnsucht und Abgrenzung; Grenzen, die nicht nur durch Räumlichkeiten, sondern auch durch zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen entstehen.

"Wekî ku roj şopên baranê ji holê radike" fîlmek li ser paşerojê ye ku ji tomarên vîdyoyî yên ji aliyê nifşê dêûbav ên li Kurdistanê di sala 2002 de hatine çêkirin.
Fîlm li ser nakokiya di navbera hesret û sînorkirinê de ye; sînorên ku ne tenê ji hêla mekan ve, di heman demê de ji hêla têkiliyên mirovî ve jî têne afirandin.


German, Kurdish, Turkish




Merivan Kiliç

ScreeningFilmvorführungPêşandana fîlman
