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House of the moon
House of the moon

House of the moonHouse of the moonHouse of the moon

Directed byRegieDerhêner

Hamidreza Maghsoudi

IranIranIran, 2024

Running timeLaufzeitDema bezê


Shilan is a 10-year-old girl who was born with a huge birthmark on her face. Because of that, she is restricted and resented by her father and the people around her. She decides to prevent the suffering of branding that is going to happen to her lamb, so that the lamb will not suffer like she does. In order to save her lamb's dignity and find her identity, she confronts her father with this issue.

Shilan ist ein 10-jähriges Mädchen, das mit einem großen Muttermal im Gesicht geboren wurde. Aus diesem Grund wird sie von ihrem Vater und den Menschen in ihrer Umgebung eingeschränkt und gedemütigt. Sie beschließt, die Brandmarkung ihres Lamms zu verhindern, damit das Lamm nicht so leiden muss wie sie. Um die Würde ihres Lamms zu retten und ihre Identität zu finden, konfrontiert sie ihren Vater mit diesem Problem.

Şîlan keçeke 10 salî ye ku di rûyê wê de nîşaneke mezin ji dayîkbûnê heye. Ji ber wê jî ji aliyê bavê xwe û kesên derdora xw ve tê astengkirin û aciz kirin. Ew biryar dide ku pêşî li êşa deqkirina ku dê were serê berxê wê bigire, da ku berx mîna wê êşê nekişîne. Ji bo parastina berxê xwe dîtina nasnameya xwe, bavê xwe bi vê mijarê re rû bi rû dihêle.






Iranian Youth Cinema Society

ScreeningFilmvorführungPêşandana fîlman
