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At Dawn
At Dawn

At DawnAt Dawn At Dawn

Directed byRegieDerhêner

Salem Salavati

IranIranIran, 2019

Running timeLaufzeitDema bezê


Shakhawan's sister has been murdered by a young boy. So far, the killer's retaliation has been postponed twice due to the gathering of the villagers at the door and their request for satisfaction of decree. So they haven't been able to attend for enforcing the judge on the due dates. Tomorrow, at dawn, the killer will be executed, and Shakhawan is worried in case the people prevent his father again...

Shakhawans Schwester wurde von einem kleinen Jungen ermordet. Nachdem das Todesurteil durch Proteste wiederholt nach hinten geschoben worden ist, soll am nächsten Morgen der Mörder hingerichtet werden. Shakhawan macht sich Sorgen, dass die die Dorfbewohner sich erneut in den Weg stellen werden…

Xwişka Şaxawan ji aliyê xortekî ve hatiye kuştin. heta niha du caran tolhildana kujer ji ber kombûna gundiyan li ber derî û daxwaza wan ya razîkirina biryarnameyê hatiye paşxistin. Ji ber vê yekê wan nikarîbûn di rojên diyarkirî de beşdarî dadgeriyê bibin. Sibe berbanga sibê dê kujer bê îdamkirin û Şaxawan ditirse ku xelk careke din rê li bavê wî bigirin...






Kurd Chanel

ScreeningFilmvorführungPêşandana fîlman
