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Özgür Akgül

Özgür Akgül

Özgür was born in 1978 in Istanbul. He graduated with an economics diploma at Bosporus University in Istanbul. During and after his study he had many engagements with Live Bands, at theaters and for several movie productions. He wrote his master thesis about Roma musicians in Istanbul (at the Technical University of Istanbul) and it was published in December 2008. He studied film music and sound design at the Filmakademie Baden Wuerttemberg-Germany where he composed for several films and at the same time has been part of the production process in some of them (Like Psychonaut by David Ruf, Kagit Hane by Belgin Cengiz). Next to his study he is in charge as a composer of several film projects in Istanbul among other things „Deli Deli Olma“ (feature film – 46. Antalya Film Festival Best Music Award, 2009), „DOL“ (feature film) which had been screened at the Berlinale Festival 2007.

Özgür wurde 1978 in Istanbul geboren. Er schloss sein Studium an der Bosporus Universität in Istanbul mit einem Wirtschaftsdiplom ab. Während und nach seinem Studium hatte er viele Engagements mit Live-Bands, an Theatern und für verschiedene Filmproduktionen. Er schrieb seine Masterarbeit über Roma-Musiker in Istanbul (an der Technischen Universität Istanbul), die im Dezember 2008 veröffentlicht wurde. Er studierte Filmmusik und Sounddesign an der Filmakademie Baden Württemberg, wo er für mehrere Filme komponierte und gleichzeitig an der Produktion einiger Filme beteiligt war (z.B. Psychonaut von David Ruf, Kagit Hane von Belgin Cengiz). Neben seinem Studium ist er als Komponist für mehrere Filmprojekte in Istanbul verantwortlich, u.a. für „Deli Deli Olma“ (Spielfilm - 46. Antalya Film Festival Best Music Award, 2009), „DOL“ (Spielfilm), der auf der Berlinale 2007 gezeigt wurde.

Özgür di sala 1978an de li Stenbolê hatiye dinyayê. Di zanîngeha Bosporus a Stenbolê de dîplomaya aborî wergirtiiye. Di dema xwendina xwe û piştî xwendina xwe de, gelek peywendiyê wî bi Live Bands, bi şano û ji bo çend berhemên fîlman hebû. Teza xwe ya masterê li ser muzîkjenên Romayê li Stenbolê (li zanîngeha Teknîkî ya Stenbolê) nivîsî û di Berfanbara 2008an de hat wewşandin. Wî li Filmakademie Baden Wuerttemberg-Almanya muzîka fîlm û dîzaynkirina dengan xwend û li wir ji bo çend fîlman muzîk û di heman demê de stran çêkir ku hinek ji wan (Wek Psychonaut ji David Ruf, Kagit Hane ya Belgin Cengiz) beşdarî pêvajoya hilberînê bûn. Li kêleka xwendina xwe ew wek bestekarê çend projeyên fîlman li Stenbolê berpirs e ku di nav wan de "Deli Deli Olma" (fîlmê dirêj – 46. Xelata Muzîka Herî Baştirîn di Festîvala Fîlman a Antalya, 2009), "DOL" (fîlmê dirêj) hebû. ‘’DOL’’ di Festîvala Berlînale ya 2007 de hat nîşandan.
