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Maria Binder

Maria Binder

Maria Binder is a documentary filmmaker and human rights activist. She works as an author, director and producer on the topics of human rights, gender and racism and has realised several films in Turkey. Her film Trans X Istanbul was awarded the FACE/Special Mention, Film Prize of the Council of Europe in 2014. Other films (selection): EREN (2023), Trans *BUT- Fragments of Identity (2015), Who are you to speak? (together with Verena Franke) (2006), Hope in My Heart- The May Ayim Story (1997). She studied video art at the Berlin University of the Arts, in Marburg and Regensburg and at the Free University of Berlin, sociology, politics and psychology.

Maria Binder ist Dokumentarfilmerin und Menschenrechtsaktivistin. Sie arbeitet als Autorin, Regisseurin und Produzentin zu den Themen Menschenrechte, Gender und Rassismus und hat u.a. mehrere Filme in der Türkei realisiert. Ihr Film Trans X Istanbul wurde 2014 mit dem FACE/Special Mention, Filmpreis des Europarates ausgezeichnet. Weitere Filme (Auswahl): EREN (2023), Trans *BUT- Fragments of Identity (2015), Wer bist du, dass du sprichst? (zusammen mit Verena Franke) (2006), Hoffnung im Herz- Mündliche Poesie von May Ayim (1997). Sie studierte Videokunst an der Universität der Künste Berlin, in Marburg und Regensburg und an der Freien Universität Berlin, Soziologie, Politik und Psychologie.

Maria Binder ji Zanîngeha Azad a Berlînê di warê civaknasî, psîkolojî, siyaset û ji Zanîngeha Hunerê ya Berlînê di warê vîdyo hunerê de mezûn bû. Ji sala 1995-an vir ve, ew wek nivîskar, derhêner û çêker projeyên xwe yên fîlimê li ser nijadperestî, zayendî û mijarên mafên mirovan pêk tîne. Ji sala 2003’an ve ew bi awayekî dilxwaz ji bo Rêxistina Efûyê ya Navneteweyî û tevgerên mafên mirovan û jinan ên Tirkiyeyê dixebite. Li Berlîn û Stenbolê dijî.

“Eren” (2023)
“Trans X Istanbul” (2016)
„Who are you to speak” (2006)
“Hope In My Heart: The May Ayim Story” (1997)
