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Gül Ertunan Karaaslan
Gül Ertunan Karaaslan
Gül Ertunan Karaaslan

Gül Ertunan Karaaslan

Gül Ertunan Karaaslan was born in Malatya and graduated from the Physics Department of Istanbul University. She started to work as an artist, first with oil painting, then as a photographer, and participated in group exhibitions.

Gül Ertunan is involved in social projects, produces documentary photographs and works as a freelance journalist and photographer. Her first exhibition, The Voice of the Zili, she realized with the photographer Sedat Kıran in Urfa. The exposition ’Children Brides and Women,' attracted great interest. The opening of the exhibition took place in a tulip garden in the village of Otlu in Karacadağ.

Gül Ertunan Karaaslan wurde in Malatya geboren und begann als Künstlerin zunächst mit Ölmalerei, dann als Fotografin zu arbeiten.

Sie produziert Dokumentarfotografien und arbeitet als freie Journalistin und Fotografin. Ihre erste Ausstellung The Voice of the Zili realisierte sie mit dem Fotografen Sedat Kıran in Urfa. Die Ausstellung „Children Brides and Women“, stieß auf großes Interesse. Die Ausstellung wurde in einem Tulpengarten im Dorf Otlu in Karacadağ eröffnet.

Gul Ertunan Karaaslan li Meletiyê ji dayik bûye û Beşa Fizîkê ya Zanîngeha Stenbolê qedandiye. Di destpêkê de bi wênesaziya rûnê, her wiha jî wekî wênekêş xebiriye, dest bi xebatê kir û beşdarî pêşangehên komî bûye.

Gul Ertunan beşdarî projeyên civakî dibe, wêneyên belgeyî çêdike û wekî rojnamevan û wênekêşek serbixwe dixebite. Pêşangeha wê ya yekem, The Voice of the Zili bi wênegir Sedat Kıran re li Rihayê pêk anî ye. Pêşangeha 'Zarokên Bûk û Jin' balkişandnekî gelek mezin kir. Pêşangeh li baxçeyê laleyên gundê Otlu yê Karacadagê hat vekirin.
