Ali Kemal Cinar
Ali Kemal Çınar directed his first short film in 2004. He is the scriptwriter and director of ten short films. In 2013, he made his first feature film Short Film, which was influenced by his short films. Shot in 2015, his film Hidden received Best Film and Turkish Film Critics' Association Best Film awards in 15th !f Istanbul Independent Film Festival and Jury Prize in 28th Hamburg International Queer Film Festival. In 2017, his third feature film Gênco received the Best Film Award from 28th Ankara International Film Festival. In 2018, his fourth feature In Between awarded with the Special Jury Price in Antalya Film Festival National Competition and FIPRESCI award in Duhok International Film Festival.
Ali Kemal Çınar drehte seinen ersten Kurzfilm im Jahr 2004. Er ist der Drehbuchautor und Regisseur von zehn Kurzfilmen. Im Jahr 2013 drehte er seinen ersten Spielfilm Short Film, der von seinen Kurzfilmen beeinflusst wurde. Sein 2015 gedrehter Film Hidden wurde beim 15th !f Istanbul Independent Film Festival und vom türkischen Filmkritikerverband als Bester Film ausgezeichnet und erhielt den Preis der Jury beim 28th Hamburg International Queer Film Festival. 2017 erhielt sein dritter Spielfilm Gênco den Preis für den besten Film beim 28. Internationalen Filmfestival in Ankara. Im Jahr 2018 wurde sein vierter Spielfilm In Between mit dem Spezialpreis der Jury beim Antalya Film Festival National Competition und dem FIPRESCI-Preis beim Duhok International Film Festival ausgezeichnet.
Ali Kemal Çınar, di sala 2004an de kurte fîlma xwe ya yekem kişand. Bi giştî senarîstî û derhêneriya deh fîlman kir. Di sala 2013an de bi bandora tecrubeya kurte fîlmên xwe filmê xwe yê yekem ya metraj dirêj “Kurte Fîlm” kişand. Di sala 2015an de bi fîlmê xwe yê bi navê "Veşartî", di Festîvala IF Stenbolê ya 15. de xelatên filmê herî baş û SÎYAD fîlmê herî baş girt û bi heman fîlmê di 28.Festîvala Kuîr ya Hamburgê de xelata taybet ya jûrîyê girt. Di sala 2017an de bi fîlmê xwe yê sêyemin yê bi navê "Gênco", ji Festîvala Ankarayê xelata fîlmê herî baş girt. Her wiha di sala 2018an de bi fîlmê xwe “Di Navberê De” di Pêşbirka Netewî ya Stenbolê de xelata taybet ya jûrîyê û di Festîvala Duhokê de jî xelata FIBRESCÎyê girt.
Istanbul Film Festival National Competition
• 2018 IN BETWEEN, Feature
Antalya Film Festival, Jury Special Award
Duhok International Film Festival, FIPRESCI Award
• 2017 GENCO, Feature
Ankara International Film Festivali Best Film Award SİYAD Gio Fantastic Cinema Award
• 2015 HIDDEN, Feature
!f İstanbul Independent Film Festival Best Feature and SIYAD awards Hamburg International Queer Film Festival Jury award
• 2013 SHORT FILM, Medium Length Film !f İstanbul Independent Film Festival
• 2010 BAJAR / ŞEHİR, Documentary
23rd Istanbul International Short Film Festival
• 2010 LOST, Short 4th Diyarbakır Film Days
• 2009 THE NIGHT, Short
28th International Istanbul Film Festival
• 2009 KATHARSIS, Experimental • 2008 THE END, Short
• 2008 THE EXECUTION, Short
2nd Diyarbakır Film Days
• 2007 THE WALL, Short
• 2006 THE CUPBOARD, Short
4th London Kurdish Film Festival
• 2005 HOME, Short
• 2004 IT'S NOT A MURDER, Short