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Ramazan Kılıç

Ramazan Kılıç

Ramazan Kılıç who was born in Ağrı, East of Turkey 1993 studied Cinema-TV, and Literature at İstanbul Şehir University in Turkey. His previous film “The School Bus” competed in many prestigious film festivals, including Clermont-Ferrand, Leeds, PÖFF Shorts, Odense, Palm Springs, Indy Shorts, and Bogoshorts. He was also involved as a producer for “The Moisture” which had its World Premiere at the 79th Venice International Film Festival in the Orizzonti Short Film Competition. His latest film “Things Unheard Of “won the Special Jury Mention award at Clermont-Ferrand 2023.

Ramazan Kılıç wurde 1993 in Ağrı im Osten der Türkei geboren und studierte Film, Fernsehen und Literatur an der İstanbuler Şehir Universität in der Türkei. Sein vorheriger Film „The School Bus“ nahm an vielen renommierten Filmfestivals teil, darunter Clermont-Ferrand, Leeds, PÖFF Shorts, Odense, Palm Springs, Indy Shorts und Bogoshorts.

Ramazan Kiliç ku di sala 1993an de li Agiriya Rojhilatê Tirkiyeyê ji dayik bûye, li Zanîngeha Şehir a İstanbul li Tirkiyê beşa Sînema-TV û Wêjeyê xwendiye. Fîlmê wî yê berê "The School Bus" beşdarê gelek festîvalên fîlman ên bi prestîj bû ku di nav de Clermont-Ferrand, Leeds, PÖFF Shorts, Odense, Palm Springs, Indy Shorts, û Bogoshorts heye.

Tradition, 2023
The Moisture, 2022
The School Bus, 2019
