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Emre Kayış

Emre Kayış

Emre Kayis studied law at Ankara University and film at London FilmSchool. His short films were screened at various international film festivals and won many awards. His debut feature 'Anatolian Leopard' premiered at the 2021 Toronto International Film Festival, where it was named the winner of the FIPRESCI Prize. He is a member of EFA and alumni of Berlinale Talents.

Emre Kayis studied law at Ankara University and film at London FilmSchool. His short films were screened at various international film festivals and won many awards. His debut feature 'Anatolian Leopard' premiered at the 2021 Toronto International Film Festival, where it was named the winner of the FIPRESCI Prize. He is a member of EFA and alumni of Berlinale Talents.

Emre Kayis li zanîngeha Enqereyê hiqûq û li Dibistana Fîlman a Londonê jî sînema xwendiye. Kurtefîlmên wî li gelek festîvalên navneteweyî yên fîlman hatin nîşandan û gelek xelat wergirtin. Festîvala Fîlman a Navnetewî ya Torontoyê ya sala 2021'an de yekemîn fîlma wî ya bi navê 'Anatolian Leopard' derket pêşberî temaşevanan û li wir bû xwediyê Xelata FIPRESCI. Ew endamê EFA û xandevanê derçuyê Berlinale Talents e.

The Translator 2015,
Anatolian Leopard 2021
