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Thousand and one nights
Thousand and one nights

Thousand and one nightsThousand and one nightsALF LEİLA WA LEİLA

Directed byRegieDerhêner

Mahsum Taşkın

TurkeyTurkeiTirkiye, 2020

Running timeLaufzeitDema bezê


Seyithan(12) is a boy who lives in the rough village of Sırnak. His teacher, just before the school holiday, gives every student one of the tales of “Thousand and one nights”. Seyithan, a child who doesn’t like studying, is not really interested in the book. But one night, because of a blackout he gets bored and starts to look at the pictures in the book. After a little while, he is amazed by the fairy world of the book. After finishing this amazing tale he starts the difficult adventure in which he first reaches his classmates’ tales and then all the other fairy tales.

Seyithan (12) ist ein Junge, der in dem rauen Dorf Sırnak lebt. Kurz vor den Schulferien gibt seine Lehrerin jedem Schüler eines der Märchen aus „Tausendundeiner Nacht“. Seyithan, ein Kind, das nicht gerne lernt, interessiert sich nicht wirklich für das Buch. Doch eines Nachts, als er einen Stromausfall hat, langweilt er sich und beginnt, sich die Bilder im Buch anzusehen.

Seyîthan (12) xortek e ku li gundekî dijwar ê Şirnexê dijî. Mamosteyê wî, hema berî betlaneya semsterê, ji her xwendekarekî re çîrokek ji pirtûka hezar û yek şevan diyar dike û dide her xwendekarekî. Seyîthan, weke zarokekî ku ji xwendinê hez nake, bi pirtûka ku mamosteyê xwe daye re eleqedar nabe. Lê şevekê, ji ber bêhtengiyê ew bêzar dibe û dest pê dike li wêneyên pirtûkê binêre.







ScreeningFilmvorführungPêşandana fîlman
