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For Horam
For Horam

For HoramFor HoramFor Horam

Directed byRegieDerhêner

Jalal Saed Panah

IranIranIran, 2023

Running timeLaufzeitDema bezê


Horam is a 12 year old boy who has been paralyzed by birth. He paints on the roof of his house, and with his paintings, he wants to stop the warplanes which continuously fly over his house. At the same time, he draws a passenger plane to take all his friends and fly away. His friends are supposed to count the chemtrails of the airplanes that pass over their village for him. The children's fight over dividing the chemtrails angers Horam, and he decides to let everyone off, even Shahu, who is his close friend and assistant. The children also make fun of him and curse him.

Horam ist ein 12 Jahre alter Junge, der von Geburt an gelähmt ist. Er malt auf dem Dach seines Hauses, und mit seinen Bildern will er die Kriegsflugzeuge stoppen, die ständig über sein Haus fliegen. Gleichzeitig malt er ein Passagierflugzeug, das alle seine Freunde mitnehmen und wegfliegen soll. Seine Freunde sollen für ihn die Kondensstreifen der Flugzeuge zählen, die über ihr Dorf fliegen.

Horam zarokekî 12 salî ye ku ji dayikbûnê ve felc bûye. Horam li ser banê mala xwe wêne çêdike û bi tabloyên xwe dixwaze balafirên şer rawestîne. Di heman demê de, ew balafirek rêwiyan çêdike ku hemî hevalên xwe bigire û bifire. Diviyabû hevalên wî rêzên firokeyên ku di ser gundê wan re derbas dibin ji bo wî bijmêrin û şerê zarokan yê li ser dabeşkirina xetan Horam hêrs dike û ew biryar dide ku herkesî derve bihêle, heta Şahû jî ku heval û alîkarê wî yê nêzîk e. Zarok jî henekê xwe bi wî dikin û nifiran lê dikin.






Iranian Youth Cinema Association

ScreeningFilmvorführungPêşandana fîlman
