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Callshop Istanbul
Callshop Istanbul

Callshop Istanbul Callshop Istanbul Callshop Istanbul

Directed byRegieDerhêner

Sami Mermer

CanadaKanadaKanada, 2015

Running timeLaufzeitDema bezê


Callshop Istanbul captures the conversations, confidences and emotionally charged moments that happen in the callshops of Istanbul every day, creating a powerful and dignified testament to the migrant's condition in the 21st century.

Callshop Istanbul fängt die Gespräche, Vertraulichkeiten und emotional aufgeladenen Momente ein, die sich täglich in den Callshops von Istanbul abspielen, und schafft so ein kraftvolles und würdevolles Zeugnis der Situation von Migranten im 21. Jahrhundert.

Callshop Istanbul hevpeyvîn, dilsozî û kêliyên bi hestyarî yên ku her roj li bangfiroşên (callshops) Stenbolê diqewimin digire, û şahidiyek bi hêz û birûmet ji rewşa koçberan a sedsala 21an re diafirîne.


French, Wolof, Yoruba, Kurdish, English




Turtle Films

ScreeningFilmvorführungPêşandana fîlman
