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Gitta Gsell

Gitta Gsell

GITTA GSELL (writer & director) was born in Zurich in 1953. She has been writing and directing for theater and performances since 1977.
From 1977-79 she attended the F+F, School for Experimental Design in Zurich.
She lived in New York From 1979-89. From 1980-82 she visited the School of Visual Arts, New York, where she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Since 1981 she was screenwriting and directing films and videos.
From 1982-84 she visited the Hunter College, New York, and received a Master of Fine Arts in Combined Media.
She has lived in Zurich since 1990.

GITTA GSELL (Autorin & Regisseurin) wurde 1953 in Zürich geboren. Seit 1977 schreibt und inszeniert sie für Theater und Performances.
Von 1977-79 besuchte sie die F+F, Schule für experimentelle Gestaltung in Zürich.
Von 1979-89 lebte sie in New York. Von 1980-82 besuchte sie die School of Visual Arts, New York, wo sie einen Bachelor of Fine Arts erhielt. Seit 1981 ist sie als Drehbuchautorin und Regisseurin für Filme und Videos tätig.
Von 1982-84 besuchte sie das Hunter College, New York, und erwarb einen Master of Fine Arts in kombinierten Medien.
Seit 1990 lebt sie in Zürich.

GITTA GSELL (nivîskar & derhêner) di sala 1953 de li Zurichê ji dayik bûye. Ji sala 1977-an vir ve ji bo şano û performansê dinivîse û derhêneriyê dike. 1979-89 li New Yorkê jiya. 1980-82 Dibistana Hunerên Dîtbarî, New York, Lîsansa Hunerên Cîwan xwend. Ji sala 1981ê ve senaryo û derhêneriya fîlm û vîdyoyan dike. 1982-84 Hunter College, New York, Master of Fine Arts in Combined Media. Ew ji sala 1990 de li Zurichê dijî.

Beyto, 2020
Catch a Glimpse, 2018
Melody of Noise 2016
Bödälä – Dance the Rhythym, 2010
Irene Schweizer, 2005
Lilo & Fredi, 2004
Propellerblume, 1997
