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Fırat Yücel

Fırat Yücel

Fırat Yucel is a film critic and a filmmaker. He co-founded Altyazı Monthly Cinema Magazine in 2001, and worked as the magazine’s editor in chief since then. He co-directed Kapalı Gişe (Only Blockbusters Left Alive, 2016), worked as the co-editor of the documentaries Welcome Lenin and Audience Emancipated: The Struggle for the Emek Movie Theater in 2016. In 2019, he co-directed Heads and Tails with Aylin Kuryel. Fırat Yücel and Aylin Kuryel produce films with their artistic duo collective called Image Acts.

Fırat Yucel ist ein Filmkritiker und Filmemacher. Er war Mitbegründer des Altyazı Monthly Cinema Magazine im Jahr 2001 und arbeitet seither als Chefredakteur des Magazins. Er war Co-Regisseur von Kapalı Gişe (Only Blockbusters Left Alive, 2016), arbeitete als Mitherausgeber der Dokumentarfilme Welcome Lenin und Audience Emancipated: The Struggle for the Emek Movie Theater (2016). 2019 führte er gemeinsam mit Aylin Kuryel bei Heads and Tails Regie. Fırat Yücel und Aylin Kuryel produzieren Filme mit ihrem künstlerischen Duo-Kollektiv namens Image Acts.

Fırat Yucel rexnegir û sînemager e. Di sala 2001ê de bi hev re Kovara Sînemaya Mehane ya Altyazî damezrand û ji wê demê ve wek sernivîskarê kovarê xebitî. Derhêneriya Kapalı Gişe (Tenê Blockbusters Left Live, 2016) kir, di 2016an de wek hev-edaktorê belgefîlmên Bi xêr hatî Lenin û Audience Emancipated: The Struggle for the Emek Movie Theater. Di sala 2019an de bi Aylinyel re derhêneriya Heads and Tails kir. Fırat Yücel û Aylin Kuryel bi kolektîfa xwe ya hunerî ya bi navê Image Acts fîlman çêdikin.

Firat Yucel
2022 March 8 2020: A Memoir (Realized by Image Acts, short documentary)
Awards: Istanbul Film Festival, FIPRESCI Prize in the National Short Film Competition
2022 The Thing that Goes Through Everything (Co-director, short Documentary
Awards: Best International Joycean Short Film Award – Bloomsday Film Festival
2020 CemileSezgin (Editor, short documentary)
2019 Heads and Tails (Co-director, mid-length documentary)
Awards: Special Mention at İstanbul Film Festival 2019
2016 Only Blockbusters Left Alive: Monopolizing Film Distribution In Turkey (Co-director, mid-length documentary)
2016 Audience Emancipated: The Struggle for the Emek Movie Theater (2016, Co-editor, mid-length documentary)
2016 Welcome Lenin (Co-editor, mid-length documentary)
Awards: Special Mention Award in Documentarist – Istanbul Documentary Days 2016
